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Outlook Autocomplete

Outlook Autocomplete

Features Automated features can save you a lot of time. A notable advantage of Outlook is its ability to memorize recipients. The system remembers every addressee you have ever contacted.

Moreover, this covers all categories including copies and blind copies. The function may be adjusted following your needs.

Autofill is a fixture of the Outlook environment. If the feature is on, you are bound to notice it. As soon as you start typing an email used before (even once!), the system suggests a match. This is all possible thanks to Outlook AutoComplete.

But do you know how to use it to the fullest?

Where Are Outlook Autofill Contacts Stored?

The mail system uses a special feature called Outlook AutoComplete list. It delivers undeniable convenience. Many versions of the mail environment have it. There are only a few exceptions.

If you use the desktop and web-based versions of Outlook 365, remember that their lists are separate. Therefore, changes in one source do not affect the counterpart. So, what can autofill Outlook do? It allows you to enter, edit, and delete suggested emails as you see fit. Here is an overview of the opportunities for AutoComplete Outlook 2016 and others.

Table of contents:

Delete Separate Entries

Typos do happen, and they should not be stored in system memory. However, Outlook still keeps them by default — there is no way for it to detect invalid entries. Usually, you end up with two addresses for the same contact: the valid and the invalid one. This is very inconvenient, as you may easily choose the wrong suggestion, and send the email to the wrong address again! If there was no way to delete entries, MS Outlook autofill email address would be deeply flawed.

How Do I Delete An Autocomplete List Entries One At A Time?

Removal is simple. Here is what to do if the wrong suggestions frustrate you. Everything is done via a fresh message window. Begin typing the address that should be deleted. A drop-down list will unfold. When a suggestion is highlighted, there is a cross symbol to the right. This is exactly what gets the job done. Alternatively, you may press the Delete key.

Outlook Atocomplete - delete address

This method does not apply to the mobile version, but it is perfectly suitable for the web-based one (365). If there aren’t any errors on your list, you can tidy it up quickly, removing entries one by one.

Limitations That Apply

The number of emails your system remembers depends on its version. For instance, the 2007 edition has the largest capacity — up to 2,000. Subsequent editions can store up to 1,000 only. Once the threshold is reached, the mail client automatically “forgets” the addresses you use the least. A logical takeaway is that you should delete flawed entries to avoid losing valuable ones. Sometimes, you may still need to find a recipient you contacted years ago. There is a way to boost memory capacity, but it is too unreliable to recommend.

Outlook Autocomplete Not Working: Solution

If you notice that the system fails to store new entries, it is likely due to corruption. Begin by eliminating unnecessary entries. If this does not remedy the situation, empty the list (see below), and start again. Although not perfect, it is still a working solution that allows you to refill the list.

Activation and Deactivation

Some users find the feature annoying if it malfunctions. Others want to turn it on to enhance convenience. Fortunately, AutoComplete may be switched ON and OFF as you like. The procedure is simple and quick.

Outlook option autocomplete ON/OFF

  1. Start with the “File” tab and go to “Options“.
  2. Select the Mail section and adjust the settings: check/uncheck the box next to the lengthy option “Use Auto-Complete List to suggest names when typing in the To, CC and BCC lines“.
    This option is located in the “Send messages” section.
  3. Close the window. Done!

Deleting the Entire List

It may be necessary to remove the whole Outlook AutoComplete email address list. Luckily, there is an in-built feature for it, so you do not need to worry about accidentally deleting legit addresses. Your mail client has a special button designed to get the job done instantly.

Outlook delete autocomplete list

Begin by following the steps for activation/deactivation. Once you get to the ‘Send messages’ section, you will see the necessary button on the right. It is called the ‘Empty Auto-Complete list’. Conclude with ‘Yes’.

Accelerated filling of the Autocomplete List

Sometimes, you may need to enter a bunch of emails at once. Working with each one individually is tiresome and time-consuming. Instead, use another convenient in-built feature. To achieve the goal, users need to have all the necessary addresses in their address book. The key precaution is to switch to the offline mode. Otherwise, you risk sending blank emails to every selected recipient. Offline work is accessed via Preferences on your Send/Receive tab. Now, switch to the Home tab and proceed from there.

  1. Go to “Send / Receive” Tab and click “Work Offline” button to enable the offline mode.
    Outlook Work Ofline
  2. Go back to the “Home” Tab and click “New Email” button. Or use Ctrl+N keys combination.
  3. Click “To…” button to open the contacts selection window.
    Contacts list
  4. Select all contacts in the contacts list. You may select the first, and then the last recipient to highlight the entire group. This is done by keeping the Shift key pressed. Alternatively, you may hold down Ctrl and select individual contacts or their subsets.
  5. Click “To” button to populate the appropriate field by selected contacts.
  6. Click “OK” button to close the contacts selection window.
  7. Close the Email message without sending it.
  8. Repeat the procedure for other address books if necessary. Remember about the 1,000 limit.

In case if you click “Send” accidentally, the email will stuck in your Outbox, since Outlook is offline. Access the Outbox Outbox folder and remove the email, so it doesn’t leave your system accidentally. Switchback the online mode by taking the same steps for the mode switch described above.

When the procedure is complete, all selected contacts land on your AutoComplete list. This process is easy once you get used to it. Now, you do not have to add addresses one by one. This saves a lot of time and effort. However, remember about the offline mode — do not risk embarrassing yourself.

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So what do you do when the incorrect email address doesn’t have an “X” next to it. Annoyingly the correct address does, so I could remove the correct email from my autocomplete list but not the incorrect one. The worst part is I wasn’t even the one who typed it wrong. Someone else did and I replied to all, including the incorrect address.

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Outlook Autocomplete

time to read: 4 min